Blade Runners
Fred N4IXL emulates RARSfest Chair Cyndi KD4ACW's famous mode of transportation across the big Jim Graham building... but not her pink laces.  Right - the bird's eye view as nearly 3000 hams crowd the hall.
RARSfest 2000

Wide aisles make it easy to set up, and get out when it's over.  And it's not so crowded when the fest is open, either.  Above - a vendor sets up on Saturday.  Right - the calm before the storm

Security to the Bridge!
Above, Denyse and Jim (KG4CXR and KG4FIJ) patrol the floor Saturday night.  Left - Richard KF4HQS and Doug AD4UL prepare ticket sales at the Flea Market door.
If you got a ticket or flea-market table in advance, you went through Greg W4IK.  Here, Greg helps check vendors in, while Cyndi looks on. 

more fest fotos follow...