


Part show-and-tell, part maker fair, part operating event, the in-person 

RARS Gathering

on the fourth Tuesday of each month is the place to be if you want to find out about the local ham community, meet other ham radio operators, see hands on demos of old and new ham radio equipment, get on the air, and exchange ideas in a fun forum. Members and non-members are welcome.

General Ham Resources

Radio is about science! Events like this help you learn the principles and techniques behind the science.

If you can't make our local Gathering, start one at your local club! Keep it informa;l. No agenda. Just show and tell, playing with radio toys, and fellowship with some very smart people.

Local Club Activities

The meeting starts at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall, but we start setting up at 6:00 pm, and you are welcome to bring your own ham radio equipment and projects to demonstrate, show off, or just work on with other like-minded hams -- we have plenty of tables. You might also find sources of coax, connectors, zip cord, Powerpoles®, and whatnot. For more information about The Gathering, please contact Tadd Torborg KA2DEW.