
Digital Data

Digital Data

HF digital data modes involve the transmission of text or data over HF frequencies using various digital encoding methods. These modes are popular because they allow efficient communication, even under poor signal conditions. Digital data modes are used for everything from casual conversations to emergency communication and are known for their ability to operate with minimal power and narrow bandwidth.

Connect your transceiver to a computer, and with the right software you can send data digitally over the air. 

Use RTTY and PSK for keyboard-to-keyboard conversational chatting, just like texting!

FT8 allows weak signal communication across long distances using very little power.

General Ham Resources

HF Digital Data Examples

  1. FT8: FT8 is a popular digital mode designed for making reliable contacts under weak signal conditions. It is highly efficient, allowing operators to exchange basic information with very low power levels. Learn more about FT8 Digital Mode.

  2. PSK31: PSK31 (Phase Shift Keying 31 baud) is a digital mode that allows real-time keyboard-to-keyboard communication. It is efficient and can be used with low power, making it ideal for casual chats and QRP operations. Find details on PSK31.

  3. Winlink: Winlink is a global email system that uses radio frequencies to send and receive emails. It is widely used for emergency communication and remote areas where internet access is limited. Read more about Winlink.

  4. JS8Call: JS8Call is based on the FT8 protocol but allows for more conversational exchanges, making it useful for more extended communications while retaining the efficiency of weak-signal operation. Discover more about JS8Call.

Local Club Activities

RARS members often use HF digital data modes. The most popular now is FT8 because of its error correction and weak signal performance.