
The lunch stop attracts SAGS like a magnet.  I'd swear that in and around this picture are all 20 SAGS.  Most of the people in the picture are hams, too.  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the power of Peanut Butter!

Below, Tim KF2UM is one of the SAGS who was so attracted.

Herman NO4Y (left) is the Rest Stop operator of record for the lunch stop.  Not bad duty, especially if you like company, and peanut butter.  And keeping him company is Greg N4QLD.  Herman and Greg are members of TAARS (The Albemarle Amateur Radio Society).

Here's a better look at Mike KC4WUH, at the left of the picture.  At least Mike and SAG partner Charles KG4MXV can claim to be working at Rest Stop 4. 

Note the contrast in clothing among the people in this picture - from jackets to tank tops.  The jackets were warrented, if you weren't staying warm riding.

As Jeb and I were at RS 4, we began receiving reports of high wind ahead, with particular concern for the long bridges at the Alligator River and at Mann's Harbor.  KD4ISC sent SAG 5, KG4HDT, to investigate.

hey, watch the road... oh, that was nasty..., next...