the finish line
The finish line - and Fil W8FIL, Sunday's Net Control.  Fil was also on duty for a set of Tours on Saturday - shorter local tours, and a long one from Chesapeake, VA.  The Outer Banks Repeater Association provided communications for that event.


The hams of Eastern North Carolina really came together to perfrom a public service.  I think everyone had a good time, and learned something about handling a large operation, too. 

Of course, there is always room for improvement, always a few things you observed that we should know about next time (like using the 146.805 repeater for starting line coverage, tweaking the route to avoid traffic - and railroad tracks). 

And there are stories.  Experiences not documented in the past few pages, or details I've missed.  Have you got one?

Send 'em to me!

Finally, if you liked working on the Tour de Cure and want some more, check out the MS-150.  And I'll see you there, or next year.

Gary KN4AQ

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