=> Click to CONNECT to the RARS Discord Server if You Are Already A Member of the Server! <=
==> Click to JOIN the RARS Discord Server if You Are NOT Already a Member of the Server <==
The RARS Discord Server is available to RARS members and to anyone else interested in amateur radio in the greater Raleigh-Durham-Chapel-Hill Triangle and surrounding counties. RARS members have access to member-only content.
Upon joining the server, you will be asked agree to the rules and to indicate whether you are a RARS member.
You will also be asked to change your “server nickname” to your first name and your callsign (or if you don't have a callsign, use NoCall).
You can do that by typing /nick [First Name] [Callsign] in the chat box, like this: /nick Tony K1OC
This is very important. We do not allow anonymous posting, and we will remove anyone who does not comply with this requirement.
You can access Discord in any common browser or download a desktop app for Windows, macOS, or Linux, or a mobile app for Android, iOS, or iPadOS. You will have the most functionality with a desktop app and the most portability with a mobile app, but using a browser means you won't have to download and install anything.
Please note that about once a year, usually at the end of October, we remove the special RARS Member permissioning from anyone who is no longer a RARS member. RARS memberships expire on June 30th of each year, so we figure four months is long enough to make sure everybody who is going to renew (late) has renewed. So if all of a sudden you no longer have access to the RARS member-only content, please renew your membership and we will restore your access.
Please address questions about or issues with joining the RARS Discord Server to the RARS Webmaster.Return to Members Only screen Return to RARS Main Menu