
Signs of things to come....

Jeff AC4ZO (right) and Bobbie KD4ZVW (not pictured) raced ahead of the riders to plant all the signs - turns, sponsors, "encouragement."   Jeff got a little worried, as the riders closed in on him Saturday.  He finished only a few miles ahead of the lead bikes.  So he got up even earlier on Sunday.  That's Dick KD4ISC holding the arrow.  Dick was the SAG Coordinator (Ham Radio provided all the SAGs for this tour).    I was so tempted to caption this picture "I'm With Stupid..."  But I didn't.

Doug K4ROK (EC for Pitt County ARES) took up a defensive position at a dangerous spot on US 301.  The bikes had to turn left, and trucks were barreling over the hill.  Most of the route was much more benign, but there were a few trouble spots.

Mike KD4MTT discussed the route with Jeb.  The eastern NC hams provided lots of suggestions about the way the tour could be routed through their local area. 

Thanks to Greenville's Brightleaf ARC for sparing a few members to help, even though they had their own special event going on that day!

For a look at all the clubs and ARES groups that helped, take a brief detour to this page.

Gourmet Lunch? 

Fred KE4LXW (EC for Nash County ARES) sneaked into neighboring Edgecombe County and the Tour lunch stop for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Fred joined the parade of SAGS as the tour passed through his area.

Below, AB Gentry WN4Z (EC for Edgecombe County ARES) stood guard outside SW Edgecombe High, the lunch stop, so bikers wouldn't miss it. 

Also caught at the lunch stop - Don WA4AVU and Cathy KA3QPU (left picture).  Don and Cathy SAGGED together on Saturday, but split up on Sunday so Cathy could man... er, woman the supply truck.  In the right picture, Mark WD4KSE was the shadow for Tina, the chief medic on the tour.  Ask Mark about how he handles crossband repeat by cobbling together what amounts to a full UHF repeater and VHF link in his truck.