Good Morning!

If you thought Saturday's operator meeting came early, then Sunday's was a shock.  The bikes hit the road at 7, so we gathered at 6:30.  But most of the hams working today came from farther east, so they didn't need to come to the meeting.  Here, Dick KD4ISC (I Sag Cyclists) addresses about 1/3 of his SAG team. 

There wasn't a lot of SAGing on Satuday.  But Sunday was a different story.  A cold front moved through overnight, and while the cooler temperatures might have been welcome, they brought with them a stiff headwind.  Add that to the extra 20 miles for the day's course, and the SAGs got busy.  Good thing we had 20 of them!

The Rest Stops were popular, too.  Kevin W4KJD made a welcome last minute appearance to man Rest Stop 1, but somehow managed to elude the camera both days.  Here, John KE4TZN calls in from Rest Stop 2.  List John as a volunteer from the Eastern Carolina University Amateur Radio Club.  And Larry KG4FIQ staffed Rest Stop 3 before picking back up as the APRS tracker behind the last bike.

Have we mentioned that the "last bike" can be an elusive thing?  Once in a while, a bike misses a turn and strays off course.  When they find their way back, they become the new "last bike", but we might not find them for a while.

aren't you glad you have "unlimited" internet service?  You can't quit now...