RARS Equipment Loan ProgramThe Raleigh Amateur Radio Society has procured equipment for the purpose of helping hams continue to learn about the RF spectrum, experiment with different modes (SSB, CW, digital, etc.), and try different operating styles (DXing, contesting, rag chewing, etc.). These stations are frequently used for Get On the Air (GOTA) stations at club functions, such as Field Day, the North Carolina QSO Party, the monthly Gathering, and at Portable Operating Group events. When not in use by the club, they are available to be loaned out to members on a monthly basis. Please contact Brantley West K4CBW if you are interested in borrowing any equipment. Satellite Stations![]() RARS has two VHF/UHF satellite stations available for loan. These stations can also be used to work FM repeaters or make simplex contacts. Each station consists of the following equipment:
Satellite station loan agreement These stations were purchased using an ARRL Club Grant funded by Amateur Radio Digital Communications. HF Stations![]() RARS has two high frequency (HF) stations available for loan. Each station consists of the following equipment:
These stations were purchased using an ARRL Club Grant funded by Amateur Radio Digital Communications. AntennasThrough member donations, RARS has several antennas and accessories available for loan, including: