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RARS Returns to in In-Person Membership Meetings
With a “Hybrid” Component

In response to a member survey that showed overwhelming support for a return to in-person membership meetings, the RARS Board of Directors is pleased to announce that we will be doing exactly that starting with the membership meeting on September 10, 2024.

The dates, location, times, and format of the in-person membership meeting will be the same as they were before COVID, with the addition of the Zoom component.

  • On the second Tuesday of each month
  • At the Ridge Road Baptist Church, 2011 Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC 27607
  • 6:00 PM – The new ham meeting (open to all) before the membership meeting
  • 7:00 PM – Social time before the membership meeting
  • 7:00 PM – Zoom call opens with a link on the homepage. Zoom participants will be able to talk amongst themselves until the meeting starts at 7:30 PM
  • 7:30 PM – Membership meeting (also open to all) with in-person presenters and club business starts. Zoom participants will be muted but will be able to ask questions and make comments via the Zoom chat feature, which will be monitored in the meeting room
  • Snacks and beverages
  • A single table in the back of the room with free and for-sale items. No trading during the presentation or business portion of the meeting please

We will be reaching out to the survey respondents who said they would be willing to help for assistance, including for set-up and tear-down.

A meaningful number of survey respondents also expressed a strong desire to be able to access the membership meetings remotely, to overcome obstacles to attending the meetings in-person, whether due to distance, scheduling, or other factors.

Accordingly, and with the expertise of certain helpful volunteers, we will provide a two-way Zoom session for those who aren't able to make it in person. Video will be directed at the presenter/speaker at the podium. Audio will come from multiple clear microphones. Zoom attendees will be able to interact through chat, which will be monitored by an operator in the meeting room.

We are aware of the common criticisms of “hybrid” meetings and the poor experiences some members have had with them in other contexts. We believe, however, that the expertise and equipment we have available to us will enable us to overcome those problems. We tested the system at our Field Day GOTA station on Saturday, and it exceeded our expectations.

We plan to conduct the membership meetings as describe above through the end of 2024 and then evaluate whether to continue or to revert to Zoom meetings.


June 23, 2024
Updated with date, location, and time details on July 2, 2024
Details further updated on July 13, 2024

Dick Bitner Benevolent Fund
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