Fun, Food & Fellowship!!
“Always the Fourth Full Weekend in June!”
The Raleigh Amateur Radio Society (RARS) invites all interested persons to participate in our annual Field Day operation.
ARRL Field Day is the single-most popular amateur radio operating event of the year in the US and Canada!
We essentially take meadows and wooded areas, turn them into independent communications centers with world-wide communications capabilities
for the weekend, and then turn them back into meadows and wooded areas on Sunday afternoon. It’s an amazing transformation!!
You do NOT have to be a member of RARS or any amateur radio club!
You do NOT even have to be a licensed ham.
In fact, we especially welcome people who aren't licensed, hams licensed since the last Field Day, and licensed hams who haven't been on HF in a while.
We have a special "Get On The Air" (GOTA) station to introduce you to operating in the high frequency bands or get you back in the game!
So let's Get On the Air!
We are also looking for experienced operators and people who want to be.
We can use phone, digital, and CW ops, so whether you like to talk or to listen to the musical warble of digital modes or the
rythmn of the dits and dahs, we have a place for you!!
Even though "Field Day is not a contest," we do keep score, and we do care about our score.
We want to make a lot of contacts, but we also want to have fun doing it, and we do!!
And FOOD!!! Just as an army marches on its stomach1, so does a Field Day crew. Friday night we’ll have pizza for the Friday set-up crew, and Saturday night we’ll have a catered meal (including, but not limited to BBQ!!) for all the gang.
Sunday lunch will consist of the abundant left-overs with additional food as necessary!
And all day all three days, there will be lots of cold water, soft drinks and snacks . . . calorie counting is NOT allowed!!
Field Day comes but once a year… DON’T MISS IT!!!
Contact the Field Day Chair by clicking on his name below if you have any questions, suggestions, or want to volunteer. We hope to see you there!
Marty Young,
RARS Field Day Chair