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Membership Meeting Volunteers

We need volunteers to help with set-up and take-down for the in-person general membership meetings on the second Tuesdays of each month, starting in September. Members who advocated for a return to in-person meetings are especially invited to volunteer for this.

The set-up volunteers would need to arrive by 6:45 PM and help move tables and chairs into the positions needed for the meeting.

The take-down volunteers would need to stay a short while after the meeting to put the tables and chairs back into the positions in which we found them before the meeting.

Ideally, we would like to have four people sign up to do one or the other (or both) on a regular basis. With four volunteers for each, we would have enough people that not everyone would need to show up for every meeting.

Please use this link to sign up. You do NOT have to create a SignUpGenius account to sign up.
Dick Bitner Benevolent Fund
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