RARS Nets – On 2M, 6M, and 10M
Other Local Nets – On 2M, 70CM, and 6M HF Nets – Scheduled HF nets originating in North Carolina "Nets" are the water coolers of amateur radio. They are simply a designated repeater or frequency where a bunch of ham radio operators get together on the air at a regularly scheduled time to talk about whatever it is they want to talk about. They can be formal, with agendas and specific procedures to be followed (traffic nets and public service nets for example), or they can be informal like many local area nets where hams just get together to talk — frequently called Rag Chew Nets. There are also special interest nets for such topics as specific brands of radios or specific facets of radio (like trader nets or short wave listeners nets). Most nets have a Net Control Station (NCS) who directs the net, meaning that the NCS keeps track of the participants who "check-in" and lets them know when it is their turn to speak. RARS encourages, sponsors, and supports many types of amateur radio nets. We believe that nets are an integral part of the hobby. RARS sponsors the following nets. Participation in all these nets is open to all appropriately licensed Radio Amateurs.
RARS would like to thank all of the folks who volunteer their time to make all of these nets possible. Opportunities always exist for additional net control operators for these nets. If you'd like additional information, or wish to become a NCO, please contact Julie Royster KT4JR, Net Manager. The RARS nets are also reflected on the main RARS home page each day. In addition to the RARS-Managed Nets, RARS allows other organizations to use its repeaters for their nets. If your organization would like to use a RARS repeater for its net, please contact Julie Royster KT4JR, Net Manager.
Part of the ARRL National Traffic System
RARS 2-Meter Net Every Evening at 8:00 PM Except Saturday. The 2-Meter Net offers an opportunity to talk about the day's events and to hear what your fellow hams are doing. Be sure to tune in periodically for announcements of local Amateur Radio activities or Public Service events. The 2-Meter Net is a directed net, and offers the opportunity for new Amateur operators to learn net skills. This net is hosted on the RARS W4DW Repeater, 146.64 MHz, -0.6 MHz Offset, No Tone. RARS Public Service Net The Last Wednesay of Each Month at 7:00 PM. The RARS Public Service consists of a five-minute training or informational session followed by a topical discussion. Hosted on the RARS W4DW repeater (146.64 MHz, -0.6 MHz, no tone), the net will conclude before the regular 8:00 nightly rag chew net on the same repeater. All stations are invited to participate. RARS Technical and Trader's Net Saturday Evenings at 8:00 PM. This net provides a forum for Amatuer Radio technical questions. Many of the area's most experienced hams can answer your questions about what to do, not to do, or how and why something works the way it does -- or doesn't work that way! Even if you don't have a question, it's a great place to both learn and share your knowledge with others. Also a great place to brag about that new radio or antenna you just built! In addition, the Trader's Net offers the opportunity to buy/sell amateur radio equipment. Remember the rules, though. No commercial dealers, only ham and ham-related merchandise, and no price negotiating on the air. (You can list an asking price.) This has been a great resource for new hams trying to find equipment at a reasonable price and for others to find a new home for the hardware that has been replaced but would be great for someone else. This net is hosted on the RARS W4DW Repeater, 146.64 MHz, -0.6 MHz Offset, No Tone. RARS Amateur Radio News Hour Sunday Evenings at 8:15 PM. Enjoy an hour-long broadcast of the top Amateur Radio news programs available. Be sure to stop by for the ARRL Audio Newsletter, and The Amateur Radio Newsline. Always the latest news and enforcement updates from the FCC. This net is hosted on the RARS W4DW Repeater, 146.64 MHz, -0.6 MHz Offset, No Tone. Apex Emergency Response Communications Net Sunday Evenings at 9:00 PM. The Apex Emergency Response Communications Net meets weekly each Sunday at 9:00 p.m. on the 146.640 repeater. The purpose of the net is to assist ham radio operators in preparing to respond to emergencies, test their equipment, improve operating skills, pass traffic, and to provide those with a common interest an opportunity to meet. The Apex ERC Net provides amateur radio emergency communications for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' disaster relief efforts. All stations are invited to participate in this net. This net is hosted on the RARS W4DW Repeater, 146.64 MHz, -0.6 MHz Offset, No Tone.
Monday Evenings at 8:30 PM.
January, April, July, October
The 10-Meter Net meets on 28.364 MHz four times each year, in January, April, July, and October, on the Saturday following the RARS Membership Meeting (which is the second Tuesday of each month).
It will always be on or between the 12th and the 18th of the month.
It usually starts sometime between 8:30 and 9:00 PM.
The actual start time will be announced on the RARS 2-Meter Net,
on W4DW 146.64 MHz, just prior to the 10-Meter Net.