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NC QSO Party Bonus Station W4DW on February 23rd
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Why YOU Should Be a RARS Member Today!

RARS is a Network of over 400 Amateur Radio Operators

You will have acccess to experienced radio amateurs (hams) who volunteer as mentors to enhance enjoyment of our popular hobby and service. With more than 400 members, RARS is able to offer a wide array of public service, education, and advocacy activities covering many aspects of the Amateur Radio experience.

Community Support Through Public Service Events

Ham radio and repeaters are ideal for providing both logistical and safety communications, and public service events provide great training opportunities and practice for emergency communications.

You will have the opportunity to contribute to your community and learn new skills through our public service events. Many RARS members contribute their skills and equipment in support of community service organizations across the RTP area, providing communications to many worthwhile nonprofit and charitable organizations.

Typically when organizations hold fundraising events such as bicycle rallys, walk/run marathons, and Special Olympics. For example, the National MS Society has several walks in the spring, and a major bike tour in the fall. These events are outdoors, spread over several miles (150 miles for the MS-150 Bike tour).

RARS members also provide a public service through participation in such organizations as ARES and Skywarn which provide Emergency Communications Services to Public Safety officials and Government Agencies.

Classified Ads

You will be able to post items for sale on our members-only classified ads page.

The RARS website supports a very active classified add listing that anyone can see but only RARS Members have posting privledges. The classified ads are among the busiest pages of our website and the ads are a free service provided to all RARS members.

Social Events

RARS members stay in touch in a variety of ways, in-person and on-the-air

  • The RARS 2 meter net is held nightly on one of the Club's repeaters.
  • The monthly RARS Dinner is on the first Tuesday of each month.
  • The RARS Membership Meeting is held on the second Tuesday of each month.
  • The in-person RARS Gathering is on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
  • RARSfest, held each spring, is one of the laregest hamfests in the state, drawing commercial dealers and vendors from around the country.
  • The annual international operating event called "Field Day", an exercise in setting up emergtency communications sp where members show their ability to provide communications in an emergency or other adverse conditions.
Other RARS activities can often be found on the RARS Calendar or in the EXciter, our monthly newsletter.

Education and License Exams

Our monthly membership meeting usually includes a presentation on a technical topic; the monthly, in-person RARS Gathering is an opportunity to play with new and old equipment; and our Portable Operating Group gets out into the field about once a month for hands-on operating experience and mentoring from experienced operators. The RARS VE (Volunteer Examiner) team also conducts about half a dozen License Exam Sessions each year. There is also a weekly Tech-Net on the club repeater.

Operating Events

Many RARS members participate in on-the-air events, either as individuals or together as a club, such as:

  • Contests where points are scored for making a number of contacts, different locations, different types of stations, different operating modes, etc. Certificates are awarded to the high scores and bragging rights are always claimed.
  • RARS is a sponsor of the NC QSO Party each year. A QSO party is an operating event "contest" where points are awarded for contacting ohter stations with special emphasis on contacts made with a specific state. Each state has an annual QSO party and RARS sponsors the one for North Carolina providing a plaque for the contest.
  • RARS also sponsors a Sixty-four on Six-Four award for confirming 64 contacts on the RARS 146.64 MHz repeater.
  • DXing is making contacts with foreign countries. For example, the coveted ARRL DXCC award is for confirming contact with 100 or more different countries. Higher level endorsements are also awarded for confirming contact with higher numbers of countries.
  • Special Event stations are often set up at historic sites or at special events and special call signs may be authorized by the FCC for use at these Special Event stations. Unique QSL cards are usually available for having made contact with a Special Event station.
  • Fox Hunts are an exercise in finding hidden transmitters. Transmissions will be made from an undisclosed location and hams compete to see who can find the transmitter first.

Exclusive Members-Only Benefits

Some great benfits that are availble only to members include:

  • You can borrow an entire HF or VHF/UHF amateur radio station through the RARS Equipment Loan Program!
  • A voice in club operation. Only RARS Members in good standing may vote on issues that are brought before the membership.
  • RARS Leadership. Only RARS Members may hold board positions in RARS.
  • Access to the RARS Email-List reflector facilitating group discussions via email.
  • Access to the roster of RARS members.
  • The ability to post items for sale in the online RARS Classified Ads.
  • The right to wear RARS-branded items from Shop Supreme T's and these nifty name badges.

Become a RARS member right now!

Dick Bitner Benevolent Fund
All Contents Copyright © 1999-2025 Raleigh Amateur Radio Society, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
RARS · P.O. Box 17124 · Raleigh, NC 27619-7124
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