Tech or Treat!

Tech or Treat!

Instead of the traditional auction at the October meetings before the pandemic, we are trying out a new format called “Tech or Treat”. Sellers must register their items using this easy-to-use online form by 5:00 PM EDT on Sunday, October 6th. The submissions will be merged into an Event Catalog that will be available for you to download and read prior to the event.

At the meeting, each seller who has registered an item will be given 1 minute to come to the front of the room, explain the item, and answer questions from prospective buyers. Sellers must be physically present at the meeting, but buyers can participate on Zoom if they prefer. If a seller is not present when his or her name is called, the item will be skipped.

Sellers may bring an item to the meeting if they so choose; it’s not required. But if a seller does bring an item that isn’t purchased on the spot, it’s the seller’s responsibility to take the item home. Nothing can be left in the room at the end of the event.

Sellers may bundle several pieces of equipment into a single item. For example, it makes sense for a mobile 2m/440 radio to be sold with its microphone as a single item. It makes sense for an HF transceiver to be sold with its matching power supply and speaker as a single item. It might make sense to list a small bundle of equipment as one item, but remember that the Event Catalog is limited in size to describe the item – and you’ll have only 1 minute to describe the item and answer questions, no matter how large the item is.

Do not submit an estate consisting of multiple transceivers, pieces of test equipment, multiple tuners and antennas, etc as a single item. This is not a forum for estate sales.

When the event starts, sellers will be called upon in a randomized fashion. Sellers can register multiple items, but we will go through the entire sellers list one time before we call upon sellers who have a second item. Then we will go through all the sellers of second items in a randomized fashion before we call upon sellers who have a third item, etc. The event has a time limit of 60 minutes.

After the event, buyers may contact sellers using the contact information provided by the buyers in the Event Catalog. Negotiation of price, method of payment, and pickup or shipping are left for the buyer and seller to work out between themselves. If a seller is approached by two or more buyers for a single item, the seller decides how to handle it. Sellers must be RARS members. If you want to be a seller and are not a RARS member, join up! Buyers can be anyone. Submissions will close at 1700 Eastern on Sunday, October 6 so that the Event Catalog can be published. This is not a consignment sale. RARS is not taking a cut of the sales price. RARS provides no warranty and takes no responsibility for anything offered for sale at this event. Caveat emptor!

Remember to register any items you want to sell using this easy-to-use online form!